7 Reasons Why You Need an Eye Exam Now! Not next week. Not next time. But NOW!
Here's 7 reasons why you should call your optometrist right NOW!
1) You've been blowing it off for months. Years. Okay, centuries. 😙💨
2) You have been wearing the same contacts for years. And that's not a good thing. 🤢There's, new amazing tech in contact lenses now!
3) You got used to looking "through" those scratches on your lenses. 😵
4) You sleep in your eye makeup and declare yourself "Not Guilty!" each morning. 😈
5) You are at risk of developing glaucoma and have no idea. Knowledge is 👑.
6) It's NOT your boss, its computer eye strain! 😫
7) Your eyes are red. Itchy. Dry. PS: They hate you. 😑
And yes, share this with that complaining friend that does nothing – but complain.
Love + Healthy Eyes,