- Scrubs away capped meibomian glands in seconds
- Cleans up collarettes from demodex
- Maintains meibomian gland & eye margin health
- Clean, healthy DIY home care
- Works like a micro "toothbrush" to remove biofilm buildup
Place 1 drop of your favorite WLE oil or spray onto a dry brush head. With eyes carefully opened or closed, gently scrub the base of the lash. Repeat on all eyelids. Use a 10x magnification mirror as needed. Rinse off with your favorite WLE foaming cleanser.
After each use, wash with WLE Foaming Cleanser. Rinse thoroughly with water, dry with a clean towel, and leave to air dry.
Our philosophy is that clean eyes = a happy life. We Love Eyes products do not treat any eye disease. Although our founder is an Optometrist, We Love Eyes products do not replace your eye care professional. Always consult your eye care professional when using eye care products.